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Exploring the Future: Easy Read Online and AI

Images features an illustration of a young woman in a blazer jacket thinking. There is a thought bubble that has the letters AI in it.

At Easy Read Online, we're always thinking about how to improve our services, to better support our clients with making their information more accessible. In the face of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) boom, we want to take a closer look into the world of generative AI tools to explore how they might assist us in our work.

Why AI?

Image features an illustration of a woman at a computer with 'Easy Read and AI' on the screen.

We know that there are fast-growing AI developments related to some aspects of our Easy Read service, like text & image generation. We’re interested to learn more about how AI tools might help us to streamline our processes so that we can:

  • Improve efficiency.

  • Reduce cost & turnaround times for our clients.

  • Increase our capacity to deliver more Easy Read documents.

Our Commitment to Quality and End-Users

While we look into the potential of AI, our core focus remains unchanged: the quality of our Easy Read documents and the value they provide to end-users. We understand the importance of ensuring that our documents are accessible, accurate, ethical and truly beneficial to those who rely on them. Human input is key in upholding these standards and our expert team will always be integral in our Easy Read production and quality assurance.

Involving People with Learning Disabilities

An essential part of our service value is involving people with learning disabilities to check the quality of our work. Their input ensures that our Easy Read documents are truly accessible and meet the needs of the people who use them. Even as we explore AI, we'll continue to prioritise end-user involvement to maintain the integrity of our service.

A photograph of the Easy Read experts group at Liverpool Menace.

Data Security

We understand the importance of safeguarding information. Security and privacy will be key considerations when we look into the potential of any AI tools, to ensure that data remains secure.

Moving Forward Together

Image of a calendar with pages being torn off.

We're excited about exploring the possibilities for Easy Read Online and AI. We'll be open and transparent with our clients if we ever begin to utilise AI tools in our work. Whatever the future brings, we’re confident that we can continue to support our clients to deliver outstanding Easy Read documents that make a meaningful difference in the lives of people who use them.

Watch out for more updates on our journey with AI!


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